Eunju Hong

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Eunju Hong 

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Two channel video installation, 6 minutes 49 seconds,  9:16, HD, Color, Stereo, 2022

Starring Hella Maria Dräger, Saige Danyluk
DoP Hee-Seong Han

two channel video installation which recorded the movement of two dancers in different ways. In one channel, the dancers are dancing by themselves, and in the other video the dancers are dancing with two stick insects. The movement of the stick insect is like a living branch, like a newborn baby, or like a clumsy machine. At the same time, while mimicking tree branches, females can reproduce asexually without a male, and sometimes they are eaten by birds while incubating their eggs to reproduce through bird droppings. The stuttering movements of the stick insect obviously transcend the boundaries of the world; Species division, food chains and survival, reproduction and prosperity, sex, and extension and severance of individual bodies. The two dancers and the two stick insects are delicately but crudely facing each other, balancing each other’s weight and balance as if in a tug-of-war.